Family Agrachevyh formed not long ago, in the summer of 2004. In city Chehov was founded the Moscow region, we have formalized relations, exchanged rings.In the autumn we born daughter who we named Sofia.In February 2005, in Transfiguration of Christ Church in Lviv done baptism two-month child and Moshoeshoe He was named Sofiya-Anastasiya..
With old version of the site can be found here click) Over time, you appear to have more news about how the lives of my relatives, friends and acquaintances, news different directions, etc., etc. I look forward to your support. Your feedback and suggestions you can leave in the guest book or send letters to the e-mail. In the near future plan to change the design of photo albums, add page "Forum" and "Rodney and friends". Soon it will be able to read the history of familiarity. |
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Designed of Kishko N. Programmed АAgrachev I.